Team Alignment Policy Change

Policy 6325 – Alignment (Team Placement) has changed. The club alignment policy now requires a team within an organizational member to return at least 50% plus one of their roster to maintain their alignment spot in the state competition league. Details of the change can be found below. This change will go into effect for the Fall 2022/Spring 2023 season. The changes have been updated on the Bylaws & Policies page of the UYSA website. 


Summary of changes: 

This change only effects teams that are part of an Organizational Member. Team placement within a club will be based on the individual team’s continuity. Meaning, a team must hold 50% + 1 of their previous season team’s roster in order to maintain their position in league alignment. 

  • This applies for team competing in the U13-U18 age groups.

  • U9-U12 teams are exempt from this player retention policy for the Fall 2022 season as those ages participate in self-alignment.

  • U19 aged teams are also exempt from this due to the large number of players leaving after U18.

  • If a team leaves an organizational member and the organizational member does not release the spot to the team, that team will be relegated two divisions. Roster continuity only applies within a club or on an independent team.


New policy reads as follows:  


6325 Alignment (Team Placement) 

  1. Organizational Member Teams - For each 13U through 18U spot occupied by a team that played under an OM the previous season:

    1. The OM may retain the spot if the team retains a roster continuity of at least 50% plus one of its previous roster.

    2. An OM may release the spot to the team that left that OM if that departing team maintains a roster continuity of at least 50% plus one of its previous roster, and if that OM’s authorized representative executes the required UYSA form. If that OM does not release the spot to that departing team, the departing team shall be relegated two divisions and the vacancy will be filled by the PDC and CS during alignment.



Previous Roster Dates 

  • Fall Alignment

    • For any returning girls teams and for those returning boys teams who will be 15U and below, the team’s roster as of the April 30th

    • For returning boys teams who will be 16U and above, the team’s roster as on the previous September 30th

  • Spring Alignment

    • For returning boys teams, the team’s roster from the previous September 30th

    • For returning girls teams that are 16U and above, the team’s roster as of April 30th


Independent teams may retain their spot in alignment if they can maintain a minimum of 9 players from their previous season roster. This has not changed.  


Due to the timing of this policy implementation, the Competition Sub-Committee will be considerate of boys U16-U18 teams during Fall alignment as they did not receive notice prior to their roster deadline passing.  


The UYSA state office will provide roster continuity checks to help with the Competition Sub-Committee with the alignment process.  


Zero Tolerance for Referee Abuse FAQs


Effective Immediately - Zero Tolerance Policy in Regard to Any Inappropriate Behavior Towards Referees