Air Quality Match Cancellation & Reschedule Reminder

With a growing number of wild fires in the surrounding areas, and a continued commitment to player, parent, spectator, coach and referee safety, please review the below policies and protocols pertaining to air quality match cancellations and reschedules for UYSA League matches.

UYSA is committed to providing a safe environment for all of our players, coaches, spectators, referees at games and practices. There are so many different news and reporting sites that report on our Air Quality. After further review, UYSA has found 2 reliable sites that we will be using to monitor the air quality.

The primary monitor is Air Now. Air Now reports directly from the Environmental Protection Agency. To reschedule your game due to air quality you must use the Air Now reporting.

If you are unable to find the city your game is taking place in on the Air Now database, please use the Purple Air monitoring platform in order to process your reschedule.

How To Reschedule Your League Game Due Air Quality Reporting

• Games may be cancelled up to 3 hours prior to kick off time based on the air quality reporting.

  • Games will not be cancelled if the air quality reporting is not reflecting RED

• If the air quality index is reflecting RED you MUST take a screen shot of the air quality report from Air Now and submit it via email to UYSA Scheduler with the game number.

  • If the game location is listed as Not Available on the Air Now website, please include a screen shot of the error message and use the Purple Air website as your reference.

Please Note:

The home team is responsible for contacting the opposing team, the field assignor and the referee assignor to notify them that the game has been cancelled due to the air quality.

  • If the referee assignor is not notified of this game cancellation, the home team will be charged a referee fee for this game.

The home team is responsible for rescheduling the game (following the weather related reschedule process)

Game reschedules due to air quality must be rescheduled no more than 15 days from the original scheduled time.

Screen Shot Examples

The air quality screen shot must include the location of the game and show the time stamp from your computer or phone.

Computer Example

Computer Example

Phone Example

Phone Example

As a reminder, the email that can be used to submit air quality report screen shots to is UYSA Scheduler at SCHEDULER@UTAHYOUTHSOCCER.NET


2020 Boys Fall State Cup Draw Results


Games Cancelled Tonight, Tuesday Sep. 8th in Regions 1-5